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Benefits of behavioural coaching and your finances

A Barclays Wealth study found that people improved substantially in investment decisions as they got older. When people are young — and perhaps less secure in their financial situation — a tendency has been recognised to be controlled by emotional biases that can be detrimental to investment habits. Behavioural economists refer to some typical flaws that are commonly seen in investment decisions as failures of rationality. In order to achieve long-term financial goals, it is, therefore, important […]

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Time to reflect

When last did you take time out to reflect on where you are and where you are going? Most of us tend to do this once or twice a year, if at all, either at the beginning or the end of a year. The problem with this is that before we know it we are sucked into the busy routine of life, doing things that demand our time and energy without achieving what is really meaningful. […]

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Financial Advice Fees & RDR

Over the past year or so the financial planning industry has been positioning for significant reform and regulation around fees for financial advice, and Fin24 recently published an article on the Retail Distribution Review (RDR). The first phase of RDR is expected to bring South Africa a step closer to making direct payment for financial advice a greater reality; creating a new financial advice scenario. And this stage is due to be implemented later this year. […]

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Top tax tips for small businesses in South Africa

January may begin with resolutions for the year ahead – but March begins with Tax Resolutions for the next tax year. We promise ourselves to be a little more organised, a little more prudent and try to minimise our contributions the next time around. BusinessTech recently said that with the many challenges small business owners face every day, being tax compliant is often not at the top of the list and tax deadlines often come and […]

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Budget 2017 – A quick precis

The Budget for 2017 has been presented to parliament and is awaiting final approval, but if all goes through as planned, here are some key issues that may affect your financial planning for the year – as well as your investment portfolio. Significant announcements New 45% tax rate for those earning more than R1.5 million per annum. (Around 100 000 taxpayers are affected) Dividend withholding tax increased from 15% to 20% (this will have an impact […]

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Organize your life – Part 1

Some people are amazingly good at bringing order to chaos and organizing their lives in such a way that makes the rest of us simply stand and gawk, thinking ‘How do they do it?’. Finding just the right amount of order in your life will not only help you minimise waste – but it will also help you reduce stress! When you can find what you’re looking for, quickly and easily, you will have more time […]

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