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Good habits to help you out of bad debt

You need to earn a lot to be well-off, right? Not so. Wealth is as much about controlling debt and spending as it is about income. If you earn a moderate salary and are free of short-term debt then you’re probably in a better financial position than someone who earns more, but spends it all on serving short-term debt. Essentially, good money habits boil down to three simplified points. Spend less than you earn and invest […]

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The power of positivity and a good plan

Have you ever told yourself, “When I have more money, I’ll be happier”? How about, “I’ll never be able to pay off this debt”? These sort of toxic money thoughts are holding you back from financial success – and happiness! A good financial plan needs to be attainable and measurable, those expressions are neither. The first step to a financial plan is both the hardest and the easiest – it’s the starting point. The point where […]

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Mid-Year Financial Review

When are you most likely to check on your investments? Is it when they are doing well, or is it when the markets are down and you’re feeling anxious? Chances are it’s the latter. This isn’t always the ideal time to make investment decisions as emotions are running high. That’s why taking the time to do annual and mid-year reviews gives you a better baseline from which to assess your portfolio. Also… much can happen in […]

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Common financial mistakes in your thirties

Saving in your thirties becomes increasingly difficult as your financial responsibilities increase. However, sound financial decisions during this phase of life can have profound benefits at a later stage. Here are some common financial mistakes to avoid: The first is failing to draw up a budget. A proper budget is the starting point of all financial discipline and should be physically written down for later reference. Include your partner in this process as it is important […]

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Cards for kids | Teaching your child to manage a credit card

Basic financial learning curves are best learnt early in life, they will benefit you in your youth as well as in the future. Managing debt is one such important learning curve and a credit card is a transactional tool through which this experience can be gained. The sooner you teach your children to be disciplined in handling a credit card, such as paying back debt and controlling the associated interest and fees, the better. This can […]

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South Africans lack confidence when it comes to finances

Most South African consumers feel challenged by their finances, with relatively few saying that they are highly successful at sticking to their financial goals or are knowledgeable about financial matters.This was revealed when the Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa (FPI) conducted a nationwide survey, in conjunction with the Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB) and a global research firm (GfK), to determine South African citizen’s financial attitude compared to that of the average global citizen.Both primary […]

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Food costs eating through our pockets

Certain provinces have been struggling to keep up with the skyrocketing cost of food. Current data points to an agriculture industry that is struggling, mainly due to the diminished buying power of the rand and a prolonged drought.November 2015 saw the worst drought in South Africa in 23 years. During this time Stats SA released figures showing three consecutive quarters of steep decline in agricultural activity, forcing South Africa to import maize to make up for […]

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Retail Distribution Review – Prepare for advice fees

For the first time in South Africa, financial advice is set to become a billable service. Known as the Retail Distribution Review (RDR), the first phase will be implemented later this year (2016), introducing some significant changes for both consumers and financial advisors alike.As with all change, some sound preparation and a positive outlook will make for a smoother adjustment. One of the main changes in mindset is to accept that making direct payment for financial […]

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Retirement tax reform

Also known as The Commutation of Benefits, there are some big changes coming for retirement and provident fund holders. Essentially, these all relate to how the money is drawn (commuted) or re-invested.After being delayed by a year, the Taxation Laws Amendment Act is being put into place on 1 March 2016 (‘T-day’). The legislation changes seek to balance out the tax treatment for the different types of retirement funds.First, there are changes on how much of […]

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Are you an employer?

Many of my clients run their own businesses, employing staff and looking for ways to grow their business. In this busy way of life, it’s easy to overlook or lose track of changes in the legislative systems that affect employers.Here are some important legislative changes will be affecting all employers and retirement fund members from 1 March 2016 (‘T-day’). Seeking to create a uniform retirement fund system for all types of retirement saving vehicles the following […]

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