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Making mindfulness easier

Anything in life that is truly worth doing – is not easy. It is easy to forget this when we see others doing really well and making the difficult seem like a cinch. We don’t see all the hard work that goes into the background. But in our own areas of expertise, we have had to start from level zero and apply ourselves over time to gain the knowledge and experience akin to being proficient. When […]

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Ready to be more resilient?

We can’t change what happens to us, but we can change how we respond to what happens to us, and within us. Everything ages, but not everything ages well. Some things can wither from the inside out if they do not have a well-developed resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back and withstand stressors. It is to have the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. For us, resilience is something that we need to work […]

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Emotional Intelligence – Why is it important ?

The term emotional intelligence or EQ is a fairly new term that is being recognised today as a key predictor of personal success. In practical terms, EQ refers to the ability to become aware of one’s own and other people’s emotions, as well as the ability to process them and adapt one’s behaviour to achieve a more constructive outcome. How often do we react in an emotionally charged state instead of responding in a rational objective […]

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Your health is your wealth

It is health that is your real wealth” — Mahatma Gandhi Many entrepreneurs and ambitious people are concerned with climbing the career ladder and building their wealth. However, as you get older or suffer bouts of illness, you will start to appreciate the true value of your health and not take it for granted. Although achieving your goals is understandably important, you don’t need to completely abandon your health in your pursuit of success. It’s simply […]

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The benefits of practising yoga

While yoga is often regarded as simply a series of stretches and postures, yoga practice offers many physical and mental benefits. Yoga usually incorporates three practices: postural poses, meditation and controlled breathing exercises. The incorporation of breathing and mindfulness makes yoga a unique practice which has the benefit of calming the nervous system and balancing the mind and body. Mental benefits Just like strength training and cardio target different needs, so does yoga – which is often […]

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Cancer claims reveal risk trends

Recent statistics made available by Liberty Life reveal that cancer is the leading cause of claims paid by the assurer in 2016. One in four claims paid by Liberty were for cancer, and the proportion of claims for cancer is increasing, even at younger ages. Motor vehicle accidents are typically cited as the reason that young people need disability or income protection cover, but cancer was a greater cause accounting for 12.3% of claims (motor vehicles […]

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What are you paying for?

With the recent announcement of some higher-than-expected increases to medical cover products for 2017, many people are reconsidering their medical cover for the immediate future and re-assessing their financial plans to ensure that they are still working with the best portfolio for their lifestyles, their families and their businesses. Whilst the year-ahead increases will cause some to question what they are paying for in medical cover, the larger question – one that is much older than […]

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Choosing your medical plan for cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in South Africa and may become even more prevalent – medical journal, Lancet, predicts a 78 percent spike in cancer cases by 2030. Despite the prevalence of the disease and the high price tag associated with cancer treatment, medical aid schemes in South Africa do not automatically cover all treatment costs. Comprehensive medical aid options that provide cover both in and out of hospital usually have unlimited […]

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Don’t wait until your thirties – Medical for young adults

Just because you are young does not mean you are insusceptible to chronic conditions and dread diseases. Adding to this; accidents happen when you least expect them. There is a perception that if you are young, you don’t need medical cover, but that is far from the uncomfortable truth. Technology has us leading increasingly sedentary lifestyles, which can lead to conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. If you are without cover, medical costs associated with hospitalisation, […]

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Saving is a tricky financial discipline to master. Most people agree that it’s wise to save, but are unsure as how best to do it. They try one way, take a break, then try another. It’s similar to the way many people try to eat healthily. Again, we all agree to the benefits of healthy eating, but few can stick to the right diet for a period long enough to produce significant results. Just as different […]

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